MANCHESTER Dogs' Home is asking for help to trace the owner of a puppy abandoned outside the Home on February 5.

A member of the Dogs' Home staff locking up for the night found the pup tied to the gate at the main entrance. A bowl of food had been left for her.

The pup was fortunate that she was discovered as she could have strangled herself on the rope secured around her neck, plus she could have suffered from hypothermia if left out all night.

Dogs' Home staff have named the pup "Frosty". She is a black/grey/white cross breed, approximately six months old.

She is very friendly and lively but nervous of people it is hoped that she will overcome her fear after some tlc.

Frosty has had some training as she will fetch a ball and sit on command.

If anyone recognises Frosty, or knows anything about this dog, please contact the Manchester Dogs' Home on 0161 205 2874.

If Frosty is not claimed by her owners, she will be put up for rehoming after seven days.