A GROUP of six youngsters from Burnley have received an unexpected cash boost towards a community project aimed at creating cultural diversity.

The teenagers, two from Hapton, one from Padiham and three from Burnley, planned a trip to Chester where they will attend a special course on the subject.

Lancashire County Councillor Terry Burns handed over £250 to make the trip to Trafford Hall possible for Cian and Sheree Chadwick, John Pilling, Peter and Wesley Brankin and Neil Ormerod. The group, who met as volunteers at HAPPA, are all between 12 and 16.

County Coun Burns said: "It's good to hear about young people doing something positive for their community. It's up to me to try to help and encourage initiatives like this that will enhance our communities.

"I was impressed with the fact that the young people had researched and planned the trip on their own initiative. They are keen to learn more about different ways of life and how decisions are made that affect their lives."

Tony Brankin, who will be working with the young people, said: "The group decided they wanted to go on the course and were looking at how they could fund it. We were delighted that Coun Burns was able to step in with the cash.

"The team got together last year and since then they've worked on a number of community projects. We are planning to visit county hall soon to see how decisions are made and how our county councillors represent the people."

Mr Brankin said: "The majority of young people get adverse publicity but these young people are saying it is about time we showed people that we can do something in the community.

"As a result of the course they are looking at visiting Burnley Borough Council to see how it works as a council and from an officer's point of view, then to Lancashire County Council and on to London to the Houses of Parliament.

"Also in the pipeline for next year will be the European Parliament in Brussels."