DANESHOUSE Community Development Trust has welcomed a new team of staff dedicated to tackling problems in the area.

Rina Begum, Tahera Rehman and Su Glen were introduced at the Trust's Eid party at the community centre.

The trio will be working alongside the board members to help make the Daneshouse and Stoneyholme areas of Burnley better places to live and work.

Speaking at the launch event, Burnley mayor Coun Gordon Birtwistle said: "It's great to see that we have got the Trust working for the community.

"It is very encouraging to see the community joining in. In the past they haven't joined in and projects like this have failed. I am sure that is not going to happen here because of the dedication and involvement of this community, and I congratulate the Trust in its success."

Trust Co-ordinator Su Glen said it had been up and running for two years, but has only recently started to push forward its services.

She said: "Now that the Trust has paid staff in place we can work towards promoting what we have to offer in the community.

"We want people to come to us with their ideas which we can help carry forward to produce something that will benefit the community.

"One man came to us and told us he wanted to develop a football scheme for the area. We helped get funding from the Awards for All body and he has now taken on 80 youngsters who are all involved in the project.

"More ideas like this can be developed if people know that we are here and that we are here to help."

Tahera has been appointed as Project Development Worker and will be holding community forums for people to express views and concerns.

Rina, the Trust's Administration Worker, will be putting together a newsletter to let people in the community know what is going on.

The Trust is also on the look out for new members to put forward suggestions and ideas for future projects.

Training, support and assistance will be provided for all members. Contact Su or Tahera for more information on 01282 664485.