THE humps on Olive Lane, Darwen (LET, February 6), may have reduced the overall accident rate, but one of the humps in particular has contributed to two major road accidents which have written off at least two cars and extensively damaged two others.

It has been placed on the bend of Olive Lane and when someone is speeding it creates a ramp affect, instead of turning round the bend the cars take off and hit whatever is parked on the other side of the road.

Luckily, there have always been cars parked to take the impact, although one was pushed to the pavement. If the cars had not been there, anyone walking on the pavement would almost certainly have received serious injuries. I shudder to think what would be the outcome if they hit a pram.

If they are keeping the humps, that particular one should either be removed or re-located.

GORDON HAWORTH, Priory Drive, Darwen.