I READ with interest the article on lap dance 'patrol' (LET, February 1) and, of course, the Blackburn and Darwen councillors are acting in the moral interests of the people.

I imagine that the time scale to investigate, document the findings and subsequently put forward recommendations will be quite extensive, to say nothing about the number of councillors who will need to have experience at first hand!

Now, I may be a bit naive, but there are several venues with strippers within the borough and, to be honest, this has been going on for some time without the moral intervention of councillors. So what is the problem?

Instead of shoving their noses into something that is of little importance, why not address issues such as closure of care and nursing homes for the elderly, do something about the ridiculous road system which is detrimental to the general infrastructure or, preferably, just quietly crawl back into their politically-correct haven, never to be heard of or seen again, please!

MICHAEL HUNT, Coniston Drive, Darwen.