JOHN Shorrock (Letters, January 30) left me somewhat confused as to the points he was trying to make about traffic flow in Blackburn.

Jubilee Street, from Railway Road going towards Darwen Street, is already designated 'Buses only.' Cars wishing to access Darwen Street are expected to go down George Street.

Surely, the whole idea of the orbital route is supposed to be that drivers wishing to go from one side of town to the other would do so via it instead of cutting through the town centre.

I don't know how often Mr Shorrock uses the Boulevard, but if he is a frequent visitor he cannot have failed to notice how few pedestrians there are in the area.

The bus operators have, like any good businessmen, chosen to run the services from where their customers want to catch them rather than trying to dictate to customers where they should catch them. The only services that regularly start or finish on the Boulevard itself are those that have to come in or are going out via Mill Lane. The only apparent use for most of the Boulevard is parking for buses not in service.

L LAWES, Bold Street, Blackburn.