SIX-year-old Zac Allen proved his "metal" after trapping his finger in a piece of copper piping.

The Chantlers Primary School pupil closed his eyes, bit his bottom lip and tolerated a few seconds of agony as firefighters cut the tubing from his finger.

Zac's ordeal happened on Friday evening (Jan 31) while he was playing in the living room of his home in Harvey Street, Bury. He slipped the copper piping onto his finger but couldn't get it off. His dad, Peter, who is a plumber, said: "We tried releasing the tube with soap but it had burrs on it from being cut. Every time we tried moving it the burrs dug deep into Zac's skin.

"Zac didn't want to go to hospital but he liked the idea of visiting the fire station."

Leading Firefighter Carl Bostock, who eventually cut the pipe off after about ten minutes, said: "The poor lad was screaming the place down. When we tried to slide the cutter under the tube the burrs cut into Zac's finger making him cry even more."

LF Bostock said: "Zac was comforted by his mum and he looked away while we cut the copper pipe off his finger. He was very brave."

The boy is pictured after his ordeal with a piece of copper piping similar to the one that was stuck on his finger.

Firefighters presented the brave youngster and his two brothers with bags of sweets. before the Allen family were treated to a guided tour of the fire station.