A SINGLE mother of two found with heroin told police she smoked the drug in the evenings.

Kelly Carlin, 33, a registered addict, had six or seven wraps of heroin worth between £75 and £100 and told officers it was for her own use, Burnley Magistrates heard.

Carlin, of Howard Street, Burnley, admitted possessing heroin. She was given a two-year conditional discharge with £50 costs.

Paul Wood, defending, said Carlin had been taking heroin for three years.

She started using the drug after losing her sister and nephew in quick succession.

Carlin took heroin to try and block things out but since then had been unable to come off it.

Mr Wood added the defendant, who was on income support, was bringing up her son and daughter without support from her family.

She was embarrassed about her drug addiction and wanted to do something about it.