VOLUNTEERS with a passion for trees are wanted in Burnley.

A meeting tomorrow aims to recruit tree wardens who want to learn more about the protection and enhancement of trees and woodlands throughout the borough.

The Forest of Burnley project, which received Millennium Commission Funding, is now nearing competition and people are needed to help look after the 80 woodland sites.

Volunteers will be asked to spare just a few hours each month, after training has been provided.

Coun Roger Frost, executive member for planning, environment and transport, said: "Burnley Council has been nominated for an award recently by the Tree Council for running the Volunteer Tree Warden Scheme for ten years.

"This recognises the valuable work done by them."

Anybody not able to attend the meeting held at the town hall from 7pm, but who is interested in becoming a volunteer, should contact Sheath Wilson on 01282 839657.