A CAMPAIGN to upgrade Colne's telephone exchange to enable it to handle broadband internet connections has gained momentum since its launch in December 2002.

Pendle's Envoy Roger Edworthy, who launched the campaign on behalf of the East Lancashire Chamber's eBusiness Club, reported that registrations had grown from under 200 prior to Christmas and now stand at 256 -- an increase of 28 per cent.

Mr Edworthy will boost the campaign further this week by writing to businesses in Colne to tell them about broadband and encourage them to support the campaign.

He said: "Colne cannot afford to miss out on broadband. We have made an excellent start to this campaign with support from lots of local people.

"Support from Pendle Partnership has also contributed to the campaign's success enormously.

"People backing this campaign can really make a difference. Getting involved is quick and easy and can deliver real benefits for the area."

Homes and businesses in Colne are being encouraged to tell BT they are interested in the service.

Internet users can back the campaign by either registering with their current internet provider or going to BT's site at www.bt.com/broadband. Broadband internet would allow people to download information from the internet ten times faster than an existing dial up connection and is always on so users don't have to dial up when they want to use it.

BT has pledged to convert their exchanges when enough people in an area have expressed an interest in getting broadband services.

It has set a trigger level of 400 people for the Colne exchange before they will provide it.

A BT wholesale spokesman said "This will bring broadband to exchanges where there is genuine demand sooner than was previously the case."