A CARAVAN site in Colne at the centre of complaints from nearby residents looks likely to be given permission to stay.

Owner Ray Miller applied to Pendle Council for a Certificate of Lawfulness for six static caravans at Oakfield Lodge, Birchenlee Lane, following investigations by the authority about a suspected unauthorised development.

Mr Miller said the land included the caravans when he purchased the property in 1987 and the council has always been aware of their existence, but a resident said no caravans were on the site before 1990.

Mr Miller said: "I've done a lot for the community and the police and council have been to me at times when they have needed emergency accommodation and I have provided it.

"This is my life. I look after my land and have planted hundreds of trees over the years. I've put my life and soul into my work and children love visiting the farm here to see the chicks and peacocks.

"All this is making me ill. I just want to get on and be left alone, I am not doing anything wrong."

The council has received a letter from Pendle MP Gordon Prentice, on behalf of a local resident opposed to the caravans. The letter states that the information given to the council by Mr Miller is false and the caravans were not at the site pre-1990.

But Mr Miller has provided the council with witness statements from residents who have proved they have been in the caravans since 1987.

In addition, letters of objections have been received outlining the poor state of the access road, the additional traffic impact and insufficient water supply.

Dean Clapworthy, case officer, said: "The further comments made in the MP's letter refer to matters that have been assessed.

"None of the objections make reference to evidence that may support such claims or are able to offer anything that could undermine the application.

"In light of the information provided, and the lack of contradictory evidence available to the council, or counter statements, it is considered that the council has no good reason to refuse this application."

The application will be considered at the planning meeting on Thursday.