"ROVERS are going to win today!" predicted my older daughter prior to Saturday's game, displaying considerably more confidence in the team than I was feeling following our recent run.

And so it proved. The result was just what the doctor ordered going into a two week break.

Was it a classic? Not exactly. Have we played better? Probably yes.

However there was one vital factor that made all the difference. The performance was full of grit and determination, commodities sadly lacking in recent weeks.

And really that is all you can ask for as a supporter. No team can play to its absolute maximum week in week out but as long as the commitment is there, job sorted.

There were no outstanding individual performances but we played as a team.

The defence performed as a unit and against a useful Saints side who set the standard for grafting and pressurising the opposition, the midfield decided they were going to scrap for everything and stick a foot in.

The result aside, the day was made particularly enjoyable by the fact that I was able to take my daughters along to the game under the excellent "Kids for a quid" scheme.

Aside from Dad shouting rather too much and being generally embarrassing they seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves as it seemed did all the other extremely enthusiastic kids in our section. Well done to the club for the initiative and let's hope it's repeated again in future.

My only quibble following an enjoyable day all round lay in Souey's reported post match comments that we still weren't safe from relegation.

Whilst this might be theoretically correct, it's a negative message to be sending out standing as we do 16 points clear of third from bottom West Brom, and at a point when we should be looking up rather than down.

Similarly the repeated messages over the season that survival is the objective have in my view had a detrimental effect on the atmosphere and attendances at an often muted Ewood Park.

The ability in the squad is better than that and surely such pronouncements can't help the confidence of the players. Accordingly it seemed to me when we were flying earlier in the season that as soon as Souey came out with his first 'the best we can hope for is survival' type message the team immediately started playing down to those reduced expectations.

Whether the players are affected or not I do feel the club have to come out with a rather more positive message to avoid turning off the fans.

So with 11 games to go, and standing six points outside the top six how will the season end up? Can we make a charge for a European place, or will the season fizzle out disappointingly?

Who knows with this bunch? We have to visit Stamford Bridge, St. James's Park, Old Trafford, and entertain champions Arsenal at Ewood. So that should be an easy 12 points.

On the down side we have to host Bolton, City, Charlton and West Brom at Ewood in addition to visiting homeless Fulham at QPR's quaint little Subbuteo stadium.

No change out of those on the evidence of the season to date.

Joking aside the talent is there, but as always commitment will prove the key.

No matter what happens until the end of the season however there'll be few complaints from this corner if the attitude and commitment remain as good as on Saturday.