SIX young people from Rhyddings High School, Oswaldtwistle, have cashed in on their knowledge of local government.

The county council's Young People's Champion, Coun Terry Burns, visited the school to give a talk on the work he does. The audience then filled in a quiz sheet, and the six who got most answers correct shared £100.

Coun Burns said: "Politics is all about involving everyone in our communities. I travel round Lancashire to promote our young people and give them an understanding of how they can get involved. I was impressed with how much the pupils took in and I'm glad they didn't get too bored. When I was at school I would have run a mile if I someone said a politician was going to give a lecture!"

The visit was arranged by former county councillor Steven Wolski and Rhyddings teacher Alison Wilson.

Coun Burns hopes to visit other schools soon : "I would be delighted to get more young people interested in the work we do at County Hall."

The winners were Andrew Brown who won £50, and Lee Dickinson, Heather Horsfield, Jude McNally, Killian Haslam and Mark Hudson, who won £10 each.