A CAMPAIGN has begun to save two post offices.

Post Offices Ltd has started a consultation with users of Addison Street post office, in Johnston Street, Blackburn, and Witton Post Office in Redlam.

Across the country, Post Offices Ltd intends to shut 9,000 urban post offices because "there are too many offices competition for too little business."

They hope that by shutting some, the future of those remaining will be safeguarded.

Both Addison Street and Witton post offices will close in April.

Eddie Herbert, head of area for Post Offices Ltd, said: "Proposals to close post offices are not made without considerable research and discussion so we are anxious that customers and all relevant organisations understand why we consider it necessary to reduce the size of our network.

"The harsh reality is that many urban offices are struggling to survive.

"In the case of Addison Street and Witton, a declining number of customers, increased running costs, and the prospect of even less business once the Department of Works and Pensions transfers benefit payments from passbooks to bank accounts, has prompted the sub-postmasters to want to leave our business."

The nearest post office to Addison Street is Whalley Banks one-third of a mile away, while New Bank Road post office is half-a-mile away.

The nearest alternative branches to Witton are Whalley Banks and Blackburn post office in Ainsworth Street, both of which are half-a-mile away.

"We are confident they could cope with the extra business and therefore we are proposing these closures."

Bank Top resident Peter Newton has launched a petition to save the Addison Street Post Office.

He said: "The post offices are further away than they are saying.

"These post offices are vital for the community as a whole, particularly the elderly who can't walk far. There are hills to climb to get to the other post offices.

"We are getting a petition together and I hope people will support us."