A SENIOR police officer today spoke of her battle against breast cancer and urged other sufferers to have the strength to beat it.

Chief Inspector Tracie O'Gara, based at Blackburn Police Station, is set to join two colleagues on a sponsored walk of the Great Wall of China to raise money for breast cancer research.

The 37-year-old, who lives near Chorley and has been in the police for 16 years, was diagnosed with cancer last May and has since undergone chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormone replacement treatment.

Despite her extensive treatment, Tracie took just seven weeks off work and was promoted while off work from inspector to chief inspector.

She said: "It was an absolute bombshell at first, but I thought to myself 'I'm too young to die.' I didn't fit any of the characteristics of people who are supposed to get breast cancer.

"The biggest help to me was hearing from other people who had beaten it, and I think that is the important message, that it can be beaten as long as it is spotted early enough.

"I'll not try to pretend the operation to remove the lump didn't hurt. It was painful and I felt very sick and tired for a few weeks afterwards.

"But I had a lot of support, not only from my family and friends, but from work colleagues. too. Hearing other people's stories helped a lot.

"Also finding something to take your mind off it helps. As soon as I could, I was back at work, and at the same time I was working towards the promotion. It is just a case of not thinking about it too much.

"People who have any concerns should go to the doctors straight away. The sooner it is treated, the better the chances are."

Tracie will be joined by her colleagues Inspector Judith Finney and Lancashire Police solicitor Niamh Noone on the walk, which takes place in April, 11 months after Tracie was first diagnosed.

Tracie said: "There isn't that much known about the type of breast cancer I had and I would like to think I can do something which may help tackle it more in the future. At the same time, I want to prove that having breast cancer doesn't have to be a death sentence. Walking along the Great Wall of China proves that.

"I am getting on with my life now, but have learnt just how many friends I have because of the amount of support I got."

The walk will be in aid of Breast Cancer Care, and anyone wishing to sponsor Tracie can contact her at Blackburn Police Station on 01254 353505.