A SECOND graduation programme is being produced by Blackburn College after the students on a computer course were missed off the list.

Twenty-seven graduates from the Higher National Diploma Computing course were omitted from the official programme for last Thursday's presentation ceremony due to a delay.

Now a new edition will be sent out to students.

The graduates are: Bilal Bax, Gavin Buck, Lynette Clement, Mark Davies, John Foster, Ben Green, Richard Harper, Naheem Hussain, Shabaz Ilyas, Salim Ismail, Firoz Jaffer, Paul Lang, Ikram Moosa, David Morris, David Nuttall, Mubeen Usman Patel, Gregg Philips, Aaron Roberts, Martin Rothwell, Melanie Seaton, Barbara Sharples, Suhaib Sirajudin, Mark Strutz, Paul Sutcliffe, Rosalind Talbot,Philip Walsh,Trevor Whiteside.

A spokesman for the college apologised for the omissions.