ANDREW Blackburn booked himself a one-way ticket to the cells after police saw him kicking at the door of a travel agents' shop in the early hours, a court was told.

Blackburn, 28, of Worcester Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to damaging a glass door at the Lunn Poly shop, Church Street.

He was ordered to pay £400 compensation and fined a further £20 for failing to surrender to bail.

Neil White, prosecuting, said the incident occurred at 2.40 am and Blackburn had at first been seen attacking a telephone box and was arrested after turning his attention to the shop.

Jonathan Taylor, defending, said Blackburn and his girlfriend had recently suffered the loss of a child which had created a great deal of stress and tension.

They had been out on the night and had argued.

"He lost his temper and fully admits that he took his frustration out on a nearby window," said Mr Taylor. "It was that simple and that stupid."