TWO men ejected from Blackburn shopping centre for shouting abusive comments about local people returned to confront security staff, a court was told.

Blackburn magistrates heard that during the fracas that followed security officer Kenneth Brogden was kicked as he barred the way to the drunken duo.

William Anthony Mack, 26, of Hinton, Lower Falinge, Rochdale, pleaded guilty to affray and damaging a police cell.

He was made subject to a community rehabilitation order for 12 months and ordered to complete 60 hours community punishment and pay £100 compensation.

Peter James Bergin, 20, of Vaynor, Lower Falinge, who had previously pleaded guilty to assaulting Mr Brogden causing actual bodily harm, failed to attend for sentencing and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Neil White, prosecuting, said the two men had been barging through the shopping centre shouting that Manchester was wonderful and abusing the people of Blackburn.

"Their behaviour had angered a group of about 20 young Asian males who gathered and confronted them."