REGARDING recent reports on how the Inland Revenue has confessed to fouling up one in four tax bills, involving more than two million people last year alone, the self-assessment system is a flagship government initiative where the taxman agrees to do everyone a favour and calculate their bill for them.

However, an internal Inland Revenue report has revealed that over 25 per cent of these self-assessment tax calculations, apparently completed by experts, are incorrect.

The Government tells us that some errors are relatively minor and some may even have already been corrected. But Peter Black, former deputy director of the Inland Revenue, has said that there are more and more examples of incorrect bills being sent out.

What annoys me most is that when the ordinary man in the street running a small one-man business, working all hours and struggling to make ends meet makes a genuine mistake the taxman jumps on him like a ton of bricks. Yet the so-called professionals, the Inland Revenue, make mistakes time and time again and get away with it.

L JACKSON (Mrs), Haslingden Road, Blackburn.