A BURNLEY church is about to lift the curtain on its annual panto production.

Sion Baptist Church will give their first performance of Aladdin on Tuesday, February 25.

The Sion Pantomime Society was formed in 1971 and, with the exception of a couple of years, has performed a production annually.

The cast is made up of members of the church's congregation and includes dancers from the Burnley Dance Centre.

The entire production is funded and stage managed by the church.

The production of Aladdin will be staged at the church's school hall in Church Street, next to the TX MAXXstore at 7.30pm.

And a matinee performance will be held on Saturday, March 1, at 2.30pm.

All proceeds from the panto will be used to help community projects in Burnley.

Tickets, priced £4.50 and £2.50, are available on 01282 432710.