A BANNED motorist who got behind the wheel and drove to Fleetwood, has kept her freedom.

Michelle Smith, 26, also flouted court orders, but was given a chance by the bench who told her to get her life in order and put an end to her cycle of offending.

Smith, of Leyland Road, Burnley, admitted driving while disqualified, not having insurance, no test certificate, police obstruction, committing offences during a conditional discharge and allegations of failing to comply with a community rehabilitation order.

She was given an 18 month community rehabilitation order, to include the Addressing Substance Related Offending programme.

She must also pay £35 costs.

The court was told the defendant gave a false name to police when stopped.

Smith, who had been banned in January 2002 for two years, had driven to Fleetwood.

Dylan Bradshaw, defending, said Smith, who was on benefits, appreciated she had put her liberty at risk.