BOSSES in Burnley today warned the business community they could face a desperate skills shortage unless they start employing more disabled people.

And Remploy, which promotes opportunities for disabled people urged Burnley businesses to take part in a national "Double the Opportunities" challenge.

The aim of the initiative is get more disabled people in the workplace after it was revealed that 20 per cent of Britain's working age population is disabled.

Remploy said employers will face skill shortages and miss out on a pool of talent and expertise if they do not attract and retain disabled employees.

Companies who sign up to the 'Double The Opportunities' scheme, undertake to either employ twice as many disabled people as they do already or to look at employing a disabled person for the first time.

Remploy's interwork division will then provide companies with a complete support service and can even find suitable candidates for jobs.

John Waterhouse, Remploy's regional manager, said: "Organisations will find that by adopting such a policy they will not only meet their corporate social responsibility targets but find that their commitment will help them in tendering for many contracts from companies which demand evidence of such a policy.

"Remploy is the UK's largest employer of disabled people and we are living proof that employing people with disabilities is cost effective and efficient."

Anyone wanting further information about the scheme should ring 0845 845 2211.