LANCASHIRE County Council has asked for permission to put a 1.2m high section of replacement fencing, incorporating a pedestrian access gate to Brownside Road, on the boundary of Worsthorne Primary School.

THE speaker at the Mothers' Union meeting on Tuesday, February 18, will be Carole Hall from Home Start. Home Start helps young families who may be experiencing difficulties.

THE wine circle will hold its annual social evening on Saturday, February 22, from 8.30pm. It will be an evening of entertainment and fun with several 'star turns,' plus a good buffet and lots of superb wines. Tickets available from Lynda Farrer 01282 421888.

PARISH Councillor Philip Walsh has made several suggestions about how to spend Worsthorne's share of money from the Opportunity Fund, which is around £5,000.

THE Parish Council has requested that the clerk informs the borough council about alterations to the roundabout at Pike Hill after a taxi drove through the wall and damaged another car.

It will also be told about new lights near the steps in Extwistle Road (next to Crossley Grange) and on Lindsay Park footpath by the bus stop in Brownside Road.

THE Parish Council agreed that a public meeting with planning officers and agents for the proposed development of Old Hall Farmstead should be arranged. The parish clerk is to organise a meeting for 7pm on Thursday, February 20, in the Reading Room.

COUNCILLOR Mavis Hitchen is to attend a first aid course.

PC GLYN Grey has started a problem orientated project following complaints about parking at the Spar shop. People who park on the double yellow lines in Brownside Road have been warned.