GREEN Party councillors from Lancaster will be joining national demonstrations against war on Iraq on Saturday.

Councillors Jon Barry and Patricia England will be travelling to London along with four coachloads of local people, while Councillors Jonathan Sear and Gina Dowding will head for a march and rally in Glasgow.

All Green Party members travelling say they have strong personal reasons for supporting the demonstrations.

Spokesman Chris Coates says: "The idea that going to war will make the world a safer place is incredible - it is much more likely to make us a terrorist target."

Cllr Gina Dowding says: "This is actually the first time I have ever taken my children on a demo - but this issue is the one to do it for!

"For the sake of the children who could have their lives ruined if there is a war, I am going to be there with my family protesting."

Cllr Jon Barry says: "If the human race is to make it into the next century, we must stop using wars to try to solve disputes. I will be in London because I believe in peace, dialogue and compromise as opposed to war."

Cllr Patricia England says "War is always a political decision taken by those who are not going to die fighting. There are so many options that stop short of war."