AN ARMED gang is being hunted by police after launching a series of attacks on town centre shops before speeding off in a getaway car.

Traders today revealed how the gang - which uses hunting-style catapults or an air rifle - has caused thousands of pounds of damage in the last five weeks.

Police have now launched a 24-hour CCTV surveillance operation in Albert Road, Colne, and deployed extra officers in a bid to catch the gang, which strikes at night.

Traders said the rise in insurance costs because of the damage could put them out of business if the gang is not caught.

They have urged Pendle Council to allow them to erect security shutters -- currently banned because the shops fall within Pendle's Conservation area.

Inspector Martin Holleran, of Colne Police, said the campaign involved a gang using an air rifle or ball-bearing-firing hunting-style catapult, which had caused devastation at local shops. He said at least five stores had been attacked by the gang.

"The incidents are occurring mainly at night and early morning.

"We also have reason to believe that the person or persons behind these offences are using a get-away vehicle."

David Pinder, who runs Party Planet, Albert Road, said he discovered his front window had been damaged when he opened up on Monday.

He said: "It's the second time this has happened to us.

"The first time someone threw a brick through the window and it cost £1,300 to repair.

"The problem is that the insurance company was reluctant then to reinsure us without shutters but because we are in a conservation area, the council say we are not allowed to have them.

"It's going to be very costly if we can't get insured.

"The window cleaner pointed out the damage to me on Monday morning so it must have happened overnight on Saturday, probably in the early hours.

"He said he had noticed that the pine shop down the road had its window damaged too.

"If CCTV covers this area it may help but we don't know if it will yet.

"We know in this day and age that there can't be police up and down all the time so the next best thing would be shutters to protect our property.

"The problem is getting insurance now.

"Surely it is better to have shops with shutters than empty shops like in Nelson because no-one can afford to run them."

Waterside ward councillor Edwina Sargeant said: "The last thing we need is more shops closing in Colne.

"We want to do our best to keep trade going in the centre.

"This could also be dangerous even if the incidents are taking place at night. Anybody could be around.

"The gangs using these weapons could be capable of anything, which concerns me."

Anybody with information about the incidents should contact police on 01282 425001 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.