A 22-YEAR-OLD man who "went off the rails" because of drugs had put himself back on track by moving to Accrington to live with two people who are reformed addicts.

And defence solicitor Kevin Preston asked Blackburn magistrates to help Graham Heys build on what he had achieved already.

Heys, of Booth Street, Accrington, pleaded guilty to shoplifting at Asda on October 7, T J Hughes on October 19, the same shop the following day and at Debenhams on October 31.

He also admitted three offences of failing to answer bail and to being in breach of a community rehabilitation programme.

He was made subject to an 18-month community rehabilitation programme with a condition that he attends the addressing substance-related offending programme.

Peter Wild, prosecuting, said a previous bench had adjourned the case so that Heys could be assessed for a drug treatment and testing order but Heys had failed to keep appointments with the probation service and then failed to appear back at court.

Mr Preston said it would come as no surprise to hear the offences had been committed to feed a drugs habit.

He said Heys had eventually been arrested and kept in custody for the preparation of pre-sentence reports but after he was bailed for the assessment he again failed to attend.

"His lifestyle at that time was nothing short of chaotic," said Mr Preston.

"He was associating with other drug users and dealers and he was subjected to threats by them. He made the conscious decision to move away from that circle of friends and bad influences and found himself in Accrington.

"He is living with friends, two of whom are reformed heroin addicts, and he is clear of drugs," said Mr Preston.

"It is significant that he hasn't committed any offences since he moved and I would suggest that you can impose a fresh order today and give him the opportunity to continue the good work he has started himself"