EAST Lancashire exporter Robert Patterson reckons he has just made one of the best business decisions of his life.

The Darwen company boss recently switched to the internet fast lane when he converted to broadband -- after taking expert advice from the e-Business Club.

Robert, who is a club member, runs Interex International Ltd and needs fast, reliable and secure communications which will take him to the other side of the world in a flash.

He said: "Regular contact with customers in the Middle East, Far East, Asia and the southern Med is a priority for us."

And Robert has seen Interex -- which produces and supplies waterproofing, sealants and anti-corrosion solutions -- benefit instantly from using broadband.

He said: "Debbi Dawson at the East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce recommended I consider using broadband because it is a much faster and more efficient technology which could save me quite a lot of money.

"And I have to say the improvement in the quality of response and transmission times is quite remarkable.

"It is now possible for us to get full company data sheets on a desk in Hong Kong, Japan or Singapore within one to four minutes.

"Becoming a member of the e-Business Club has proved to be a very wise and beneficial move for myself and my company.

"I have a very high regard for any information I receive from both the Chamber of Commerce and the e-Business Club.They are always willing to help and advise us."

The e-BusinessClub is hosting an event focusing on internet security at East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, Red Rose Court, Clayton-le-Moors on March 6.

Jane Law, of e-BusinessClub, said: "Businesses keep confidential paperwork under lock and key, but are they always as vigilant with computer files?

"The internet has many advantages for business and with our help, businesses will be more secure as well as more profitable."

For further information on the March 6 event or for free membership to e-BusinessClub, log onto www.elancs-ebusinessclub.co.uk or ring Cheryl Bailey on 01254 356461.


When two brothers set up their own internet business behind a Blackburn post office four years ago, they never dreamed of the success they would achieve.

Kam and Latif Kothia used their shared knowledge of the fast-expanding industry to go it alone, and as they prepare to embark on their fifth year in business, they have no regrets.

The brothers initially worked under the name e-Marketing Services Ltd, based in a small office in Preston New Road. They successfully provided web site solutions as they still do today, but when they began to develop more complex e-business solutions, the company was given its current name, eBusiness UK Ltd.

In its second year of operation, the company expanded and moved to larger, hi-tech premises at the Saturn Centre, Greenbank Technology Park, and fellow entrepreneur and brother Nasir took this opportunity to join the family business.

Year on year, eBusiness UK Ltd has increased its turnover by more than 100 per cent, as the company embraced new technology.

It has been at the forefront of changes in the market.

Managing director Kam Kothia said: "Businesses used to use the internet to communicate with other companies and to promote their products and services through a basic website.

"Now, many of these companies are integrating their sales processes with the internet.

"This leads to increased sales and improved profitability."

The company is currently predominantly working for small and medium size companies, but is increasingly winning business from larger public and private sector organisations. Its client base already includes prestigious organisations such as BT, DTI, Business Link and Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council.

Mr Kothia said: "As we enter our fifth year in business, we hope to build on the strengths of the past four years to give our clients the first class service they expect from eBusiness UK Ltd."

The long-term aim for eBusiness UK Ltd is to become the number one e-business company in the region.

Mr Kothia added: " This is a very exciting and challenging time for eBusiness UK Ltd.

"In the next few weeks we will be launching a range of new products and services to help our customers benefit from Broadband internet. And we are also in the midst of market testing a brand new internet venture that will change the way thousands of companies in the UK currently do business."

For more information on eBusiness UK Ltd, contact Kam Kothia on 01254 279998, or 07973 477125, or email: kam@ebusinessuk.biz. Website: <http://www.ebusinessuk.biz/


The number of work days lost to employee sickness and stress has reached record levels, according to the Work Foundation (WF).

A survey by the WF of 400 personnel specialists found that the average employee now takes nine sick days a year compared to less than seven days in 2001.

It was the highest rate of absence recorded by the organisation since it started the survey in 1996.

The main reason for days off was found to be colds or flu, followed by food poisoning, headaches, stress and personal problems, and backache.

WF argues that employers can reduce the rate of worker absence by offering them flexible or 'family-friendly' working conditions, like flexitime and working from home.

New legislation, set to come into force in April, will extend maternity leave available to new mothers and will introduce statutory paternity leave of two weeks for new fathers.

Parents of young or disabled children will also be able to request flexible working from the boss.

Managers will have to provide a sound business argument against this if they want to say 'no'.

WF believes these measures will help to ease the problem of workplace absence, particularly for women.

Stephen Bevan, WF's deputy director of research, said: "Enhanced maternity and paternity rights, including the new right for parents to ask for family friendly working practices, should help reduce the absence rate of women employees.

"Until then, organisations may find that flexible work practices address the 'ability to attend factor' and help people manage their responsibilities more effectively."

According to the survey, bosses thought the most effective method of reducing absence was 'return to work' interviews, whereby a returning employee is quizzed about the illness.


East Lancashire business travellers can look forward to extra-comfortable overnight stays in 2003 -- thanks to a special cut-price deal.

The Chamber of Commerce commercial management has negotiated a 10 per cent discount at selected Travelodges across the UK.

The offer, based on the published rate, is open to all businesses in the region -- members and non-members -- until June 30.

Stewart Maloney, East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce commercial director, said: "Our objective is to constantly pursue cost savings for our clients, so this special offer is available to more than 6,000 East Lancashire businesses."

Rooms must be booked through the Travelodge Reservation Centre on 08700 850 950. The reference 'Blackburn' must be quoted to access the discounted rate.

Among the Travelodges included in the offer are Birmingham, Cardiff, Knutsford, Heathrow, Nottingham, Winchester -- and, for clients visiting East Lancashire, the new Blackburn lodge at junction 4 of the M65.

Nick Youle, regional sales manager with Travelodge, said: "The list includes a cross-section of our lodges from all over the UK, so hopefully there will be something for everybody."

A full list of participating Travelodges is available on request from the commercial department of the East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce. Terms and conditions apply.Telephone 01254 356400 or email commercial@chamberinternet.co.uk


Half of UK businesses (49 per cent) want the Chancellor to wait and see how the euro develops before joining -- even if the 'five economic tests' are satisfied -- according to a major business survey just published by the British Chambers of Commerce.

Thirty-five per cent would give him an immediate green light, while 13 per cent say the UK should never join the euro zone under any circumstances.

The telephone survey, conducted by MORI and sponsored by The REL Consultancy Group, covered 1,005 firms of all sizes and all sectors.

It asked respondents to say what they think the UK should do if the Government announces that the Chancellor's five economic tests have been met.

The survey also revealed that larger companies, with 250 or more employees, and those trading internationally take a more positive stance with 46 per cent and 42 per cent respectively supporting swift adoption of the euro.

In these cases, however, opinion is evenly divided between a 'wait and see' position and early entry.

Smaller companies tended to take a less positive stance with 50 per cent of firms employing between one and 19 people thinking the UK should wait and see how the euro develops before making a decision.

Invited to comment on the impact of euro membership on a range of factors, a majority of businesses felt they would be more heavily regulated (68 per cent), more highly taxed (54 per cent) and that the Government would have less control of the UK economy (63 per cent) if the UK was to adopt the euro.

In contrast, 52 per cent felt that exports would improve, 43 per cent felt that inward investment would rise and 48 per cent felt that business competitiveness would benefit with euro membership. The survey also showed that respondents believe that on average 67 pence to the euro would be a sustainable exchange rate for their business. However, a third of businesses do not have a clear idea of what would be a sustainable rate of entry. The survey also showed that only 40 per cent of respondents have made preparations for using the euro as a foreign currency although this figure rises to 70 per cent for businesses trading internationally.

Unsurprisingly, only 32 per cent of members have made any preparations for using the euro as the UK's currency although this figure rises to more than half of those businesses trading internationally (55 per cent) and two thirds of businesses employing more than 250 people (64 per cent).

Most of those businesses that have not made preparations believe that it is too early to do so.


Disputes and offences in the workplace are issues businesses increasingly have to face. Further, as the statutory regulations associated with running a business become ever more complex, so the financial penalties for non-compliance become increasingly severe.

The fact is that employment law is now a legal minefield. Employees are increasingly aware of their rights and are more determined than ever to seek large amounts of compensation if they feel they have been unfairly treated.

The chances are high that your business will one day be faced with a compensation claim unless you have taken all the necessary steps to comply with current employment legislation.

Yet despite this, only 10 per cent of businesses in the UK have insurance in place to protect them from such unexpected costs.

The only alternative you have to insurance is the payment of legal fees, currently around £150 per hour. Can you really afford this? Do you really want to take the risk?

In order to help protect your business, the Chamber of Commerce East Lancashire has entered in to an exclusive arrangement with Composite Legal Expenses to provide members with access to a 24 hour advice line.

The service provides information and guidance on a comprehensive range of legal and other business related matters.

Composite Legal Expenses, who operate this approved service, have experienced advisers available 24 hours a day, seven days a week who can advise you on what action you need to take to properly manage these and other risks.

The range of information and advice available is comprehensive and includes, but is not restricted to, employment, health and safety, product liability, debt recovery, contract law, tax and vat, tenancy, and restraint of trade.

This advice service is backed up with a valuable insurance benefit that will pay up to £50,000 of your legal and representation costs and up to £50,000 of awards should you be faced with an employment related claim. Terms and conditions apply.



March 6

Red Rose Court

The internet has many advantages for business and with our help businesses will be more secure as well as more profitable. For further information on the March 6 event or for free membership to e-businessClub, log onto www.elancs-ebusinessclub.co.uk or ring Cheryl Bailey on 01254 356461.


March 21

Blackburn Rovers Media Theatre

Ask yourself the following questions? Could my business survive a substantial bad debt? Are my customers' debts increasing more than their purchases with me? Has my sales staff extended further credit without my agreement?DTE Corporate Recovery and Insolvency aims to provide delegates with an insight into why creditors meetings are held and will give advice and guidance on how businesses can benefit from attending a creditors meeting. For details on this free event, contact Barbara Terech 01254 356400 or book online at www.chamberelancs.co.uk


March 27

Chamber Of Commerce Training Suite

Out of the 600-plus senior executive jobs in Britain's boardrooms, only 10 are filled by women. One company moving in the right direction is Marks &Spencer and their chief executive of financial services, Laurel Powers Freeling, is the main speaker at this event. More details can be obtained from Barbara Terech on 01254 356400 or online at www.chamberelancs.co.uk