A BUSINESSMAN urging people in Darwen to 'buy local' has distributed 150 posters to shops and market stalls.

And demand is still high for the brightly coloured A3 posters which ask shoppers to keep money in the town.

Ashley Reece, 30, who works at India Mill, was determined to start the campaign, backed by Darwen's councillors, when the new McDonald's arrived in the town.

He said: "I was shocked to see that 'Baps 99p' was the first image of Darwen and I think we all need to do something about it. It's important to keep money in Darwen."

More posters are being requested by local business people.

Brenda Cronshaw, a market stall-holder, said: "I have one of the posters and we all want more of them, all over the place."