A VILLAGE hall is to get its own theatre lights thanks to £3,000 from North Turton Parish Council.

The lights at the Barlow Institute, Edgworth, which seats up to 110 people and features dance nights, drama productions from touring companies and the annual pantomime, will be fitted this week.

Coun Dave Smith said: "The council agreed to fund the second phase of the lighting which will cost £3,000. The Edgworth Panto Group funded the first instalment.

Dave, a member of the Barlow management committee, said: "It will give the institute something its never had before and we are very happy that the lighting might well be in place for the pantomime in March.

"We also have to install a sound system which we were recently given a grant for."

'Jack and the Beanstalk' will be showing at the institute on Friday, March 7 and over the weekend with a matinee on Sunday.

Another set of performances will be from March 14 to 16, with a matinee on the Sunday.