A CRUSADING pensioner wants his favourite footpath improved.

Retired Arpad Magyar, 75, of Countess Road, Blackburn, said the path had been left muddy and waterlogged following work there. It runsd from Milking Lane and Mr Magyar said it was often used by workers going to industrial premises on Davy Field Road.

But despite a council inspection and efforts to make the path usable, it remains out of bounds to Mr Magyar, who used it for exercise. The council has now promised to monitor the state of the path, which has deteriorated since it was worked on by a utility company in November.

Mr Magyar said: "The council keep saying they have finished the footpath, but they have not done a proper job. It's difficult to use and muddy and waterlogged, especially under the railway bridge.

"They should have put more gravel down. People use it to go to work on the industrial estate and I enjoy getting out and walking on it. But it's in such a bad state I've had to stop.

He added: "I have written to the council and people have sent e-mails but nothing seems to be done."

Graham Burgess, council executive director for regeneration, said: "Following work by one of the utility companies the council's footpath officers carried out an inspection and found it to be satisfactory for its purpose.

"In the light of recent bad weather and this gentleman's concerns, we will continue to monitor this footpath."