A SOLDIER returned from manoeuvres in Canada to be told his wife was having an affair with another squaddie, a court heard.

Blackburn magistrates were told Jonathon Wayne Coker, 34, was driven to kick down a glass door panel at his wife's house in an attempt to get a glimpse of his young children.

But today, estranged wife Vicky denied having ever been unfaithful and said that was not the reason for the breakdown of their relationship.

Coker, of Keele Walk, Blackburn, who has been on sick leave from the army for 12 months, admitted criminal damage and was given a 12-month conditional discharge with £50 costs,

After the hearing he said: "Once trust has gone it is torture and I just had to let out all my anger."

The couple were married in Ipswich just over two years ago after a six year romance. They already had two children together, Joe, seven, and Megan, four.

Wife Vicky, 24, of Spring Street, Rishton, is currently studying at Blackburn College. She said: "I was not seeing anybody. I have always been faithful but I don't love him any more.

"The relationship has broken down for other reasons."

Coker joined the army in 1992 and still serves with the Royal Logistics Corps. His future will be decided following a medical review next week.

He said: "I only joined the army for the children, to give them a better life."

Army life took the couple to Germany, Swindon and Ipswich after they were married. Jonathon said: "I would take her back tomorrow. I am devastated and feel very angry."

He said a gambling problem had played a part in the break up of their relationship. "I used to think money was there to be spent and gambling was my escape," he said.

In court, Andrew Church-Taylor, defending, said: "He was married and everything seemed to be going well until the end of 2001 when his regiment was sent to Canada.

"He was away from home for some time and while he was away his wife decided she was going to have an affair with a fellow soldier.

"When he returned he was given that news and it was not palatable.

"He felt betrayed not only by his wife but also by his colleague.

"Since the discovery of this infidelity he has been on sick leave, suffering from stress and anxiety and he is awaiting psychiatric assessment." The solicitor said the damage had occurred during a disagreement to arrange access over the children and his wife refused to let him in or talk to him.

"His loss is exacerbated by the fact that while his regiment is already posted to the Middle East his army career is potentially over," he added.

"He doesn't expect this court to condone what he's done but he asks you to understand it set against the background of infidelity and the break down of the relationship."