I HAVE no doubt at all that the gritters were out in force doing a good job on Monday, February 3, but as your editorial column rightly points out (LET, February 4) here in Blackburn and Darwen the bad weather should have been anticipated sooner.

I find the comments of the Executive Member for Regeneration, Councillor Andy Kay, astounding. "I think the delays were more to do with people taking it easy than anything else," he said. Drivers had no choice but to drive very slowly or there would have been numerous accidents.

A bit of humility from Coun Kay would not come amiss and an apology is owed to the people of the borough for the massive inconvenience caused to them.

This is the second time Blackburn with Darwen Council has been caught napping by the weather and, frankly, it is not good enough.

Coun Kay in his portfolio is happy to take the plaudits when there is good news. Likewise, he has to take responsibility for when things go wrong and not seek to blame the drivers, who were the innocent victims of his error of judgment.

COUN D PEARSON, Rawstorne Street, Blackburn.