DOZENS of people turned up to a meeting at Lytham's Lowther Pavilion last week to launch a new group to support Lowther Gardens.

Up to 40 residents joined council workers, local councillors and members of Lytham action groups at the first meeting of Friends of Lowther Gardens on Tuesday (February 4).

They discussed the park's general maintenance, heard about its history and how it could become the Fylde's first 'green flag' holder -- a prestigious national award recognising "excellence in parks".

Yolande Brown JP, who chaired the meeting, said: "A very successful meeting was held. We had an extremely good mix of people and the consensus of the meeting was that we in Lytham are lucky to have such a beautiful and accessible park.

"More than 50 questionnaires were answered and the meeting was very positive that they would do their best to make Lowther Gardens worthy of the Green Flag award."

The formation of the new group means that the park is a step closer to a face-lift which could include topping its pond with a life-size bronze statue of a traditional Lytham shrimper.

Volunteers and Fylde Borough Council have already submitted a Heritage Lottery Bid for the funding for such a venture.

Mrs Brown, also chairman of Lytham in Bloom, said another Friends of Lowther Gardens meeting would be held in about six weeks for the new group to put a work plan together.