BURNLEY'S three BNP councillors have installed CCTV at their homes.

Carole Hughes, Terry Grogan and David Edwards, elected to Burnley Borough Council in May, have spent thousands of pounds installing the high-tech surveillance systems at their homes.

The cost was footed by the British National Party amid fears they could be targeted by anti- right wing groups.

Fears for their safety and security of the property were raised after the leader of the party in Burnley and Pendle had his town centre shop attacked by vandals.

Steven Smith complained to police after the words "Nazi scum" were sprayed across metal shutters that protect the windows of the premises in St James' Street, Burnley.

Two upstairs windows of the Burnley Heritage Centre were also hit with air rifle shots, in the attack last August.

BNP spokesman Simon Bennett said: "The security cameras have been installed because it was thought that some people might take objection to the fact that three BNP councillors had been elected and might want to go a stage further than a vocal protest.

"It has cost the party thousands of pounds to install these cameras, but it may well prove to be a wise decision after what happened to Steven last year. If people are thinking about any sort of personal attack on David, Carole or Terry then this may make them think twice."

A spokesman for the Anti-Nazi League in Burnley said they would never consider any attacks on individuals or property and would combat the BNP by sticking to the law and demonstrating in public.

The spokesman added: "These people need to be exposed, but the way we will do that is by making people aware of what their real policies are. There is no way anybody involved with the Anti-Nazi League would consider getting involved in anything illegal."