PRESSURE is mounting on Metrolink bosses to rethink their controversial plans to establish a new stop and park and ride site at Buckley Wells.

The proposals, which this week received another barrage of criticism, have highlighted the need for an overall traffic strategy to tackle existing congestion problems in the area.

At a meeting of Bury East Area Board on Tuesday (Feb 11), residents again attacked Metrolink's plans.

Consultants have recommende a school travel plan to cut the high dependence of cars, a scheme to improve the Tenterden Streeet/Jubilee Way junction and the rationalisation of car parking in Bridge Road.

Their report also calls for an overall traffic strategy for the area in the light of Metrolink's proposals, schools traffic and future East Lancs Railway developments.

Metrolink want to build a new stop and a park and ride site for 200-plus cars at Buckley Wells. Access will be off Baron Street. But because of the extra traffic, improvements will be needed to the Manchester Road/Manchester Old Road/Knowsley Street junction.

Mr Ian Lord, the council's traffic management and road safety services manager, told the board meeting: "We need to take a co-ordinated approach to everything that is happening, and not just Metrolink in isolation. The issue of access is crucial.

"We have to get this right and need some breathing space. We need to stand back and look at the wider picture and at all of the issues."

Mr Roger Tripp, of Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive's Metrolink team, said the ongoing consultation had already prompted many letters.

"The issues raised through the consultation has made us think and understand the area." He said that problems with tram capacity and a full car park at the Metrolink station at Bury Interchange were some of the key reasons behind the plans for the new stop.

Councillor John Smith stressed there was no public demand for the stop and car park. "It won't ease congestion in Bury. You should be consulting on whether a new tram stop is needed and where."

Some members of the public demanded that Metrolink improve existing town centre car parks as an alternative to Buckley Wells.

Resident Mr Robert Bentley was applauded when he told the meeting: "If this goes ahead, it will mean thousands of vehicle movements in and out of Buckley Wells every week. This would be an awful consequence. It's bad enough at the moment."

Replying to claims that Metrolink bosses had already made up their minds, Mr Tripp said: "All the issues will be taken back. No decision has been taken. This is purely a continuing consultation."