IF you don't like what councillors are doing in your name, why not do something about it? Stand for election as an independent councillor yourself in the local elections in May.

Election results since 1997 have clearly demonstrated that all is not well with the relationship between the political parties and voters.

However, the tension has become more acute over recent years as political parties of all colours have sought to control their representatives more and the voters' attitudes towards the political system. The lack of 'bottom up' democracy is now more offensive than ever before.

Independents represent good value for money. They have to work three times harder than Labour, Liberal or Conservatives to get elected and retain office and, we hope, represent the 'common sense' factor that is so rapidly vanishing from local government.

More and more members of all political parties are becoming independent in order to throw off the shackles of the party whip and escape from decision-making behind closed doors.

MILNER WHITEMAN, Arlescott Farm, Broseley.