It would be wrong to describe what will be a wholly one-sided onslaught, as a war.

There appears little doubt that the military might of the Americans with their servile and fawning ally will inflict terrible pulverization on the Iraqis. The UN inspectors have found no weapons of mass destruction. The Americans feel able, then to attack with impunity and without fear of serious casualties on their own side.

The UNMOVIC weapons inspectors do not feel able to give the American guns the green light for go. The focus and justification is therefore once again that Saddam is a supporter and harbourer of Al-Qaeda terrorists.

This appears to be a complete U-turn on the part of Blair. After all he had, in his previous dossier declared that Saddam had no sympathies with Muslims fundamentalists. One wonders whether there is more than a grain of truth in what one of the greatest individuals of our lifetime says about Blair.

Nelson Mandela mockingly described him as Bush's Foreign Minister. Tellingly Blair's u-turn on Saddam and Al-Qaeda came within hours of Rumsfeld declaring the same thing! Once again as is typical of the Americans, evidence and proof is non-existence

The fact of the matter is that the American government does not give a "damn" about evidence or propriety.

It is wanting to create in the words of Bush senior a "New World Order." It has begun to spread its tentacles far and wide in order to control peoples, their economies and therefore their destinations. Anyone who speaks up against its proposed atrocities is sidelined, belittled and rubbished.

France and Germany for expressing their views are described as "Old Europe" by Rumsfeld. Of Nelson Mandela it is said that he is a tired old man. Fifty per cent of Americans are opposed to the war. They for that reason have suddenly become "unpatriotic". The Muslim "world" for all its hypocrisies has no say in world affairs in any event. In this way vast swathes of the world are belittled and without a voice.

America says it is acting for the peace of the world. Strange then that it feels threatened when Iraq's neighbours (save Israel) are against USA aggression. Perhaps these countries realize that because they also have natural riches they will be the USA's next target. After all there can be no doubt that they are there to stay. No one or no state feels able to check it at the moment because of its complete world dominance. In this way it will be allowed to enter a new and modern phase of, in essence, colonisation and tyranny.

Puppet governments will be installed in countries across the globe. At the same time they will rob these countries of their dignity and everything else. In many ways the history of European tyranny is about to repeat itself with a sinister twist. Most, (sadly not all) of Europe sees this coming and wants nothing to do with it.