A GRANDMOTHER who has smoked more than half a million cigarettes has finally kicked the habit to raise cash for a children's charity.

Margaret Spence, 53, gave up her 40-a-day fix after getting friends, family and colleagues to sponsor her.

Now that she has raised £400 for Chorley's Derian House Children's Hospice Margaret believes it was worth the pain.

Barmaid Margaret, who works at the Baron's Rest Pub, Astley Village, began smoking at 16, meaning she has puffed her way through around 540,200 cigarettes. The mother-of-three decided to give up because she was feeling the financial and health burdens of the habit.

Margaret was so determined to quit that she visited her doctor to get some advice. Although it wasn't easy Margaret has succeeded and believes it's all down to will power. Since making her New Year's resolution she hasn't touched a cigarette and says that she feels healthier than ever.

Margaret said: "I was going to give up, but thought I might as well raise money for charity while I was doing it. Everybody's been supportive and there's no way I'm going to start again.

"I feel great and pleased to be able to give £400 to Derian House."

Margaret was one of the original barmaids at the pub when it first opened 24 years ago. She has been back behind the bar for 18 months after leaving to bring up her three children and help out with her three grandchildren.

"I'd like to thank customers, staff and friends for their support," she said. "I couldn't have done it without them."

Christine Donnelly from Break Point Stop Smoking Service, which serves Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale points out that the benefits of giving up start from the minute you stop.

She said: "After an hour your circulation improves. After a day lungs work better and a majority of carbon monoxide leaves the body. Six months on the risk of suffering a heart attack and cancer are reduced by half.

"On average after ten years the risk of cancer is reduced all together.

"The most important thing to do when giving up smoking is to make a plan. Nicotine replacement therapy doubles a quitter's chance of succeeding."

With National No Smoking day approaching on March 12 anyone interested in giving up can call the national helpline on 0800 169 0169 or go on line and visit www.givingupsmoking.co.uk

Alternatively you can get your GP to refer you to a local help centre.