A RADCLIFFE businesswoman is harnessing her expertise in the field of human resources by launching her own recruitment company.

And Mrs Karen Crossley will use her skills to ensure she gets the right person for the right job.

She has just established her Personnel Touch Bury Ltd recruitment agency after a busy and rewarding career in a variety of industries.

Working from her home in Ainsworth Road, 32-year-old Karen can come to the rescue of companies anxious to fill a range of vacancies.

"My recruitment agency specialises in permanent places for all types of administration and accounts, right through to personal assistants and office managers," she said.

Karen is advertising on a large recruitment website and is undertaking a marketing exercise, targeting around 100 local companies.

She added: "Nearly every firm knows of an agency or have actually used one to get staff. They have tended to go to Manchester agencies who I believe charge extortionate rates. But I will be much more competitive, given that I'm on my own and not part of a fleet of consultants.

"I'm dealing with permanent staff at the moment. But once I get the cash flow in place, I will recruit temporary staff as well."

Karen believes her experince is the key to her success: "I've worked in all industries, from blue chip companies through to manufacturers, engineering, family-sized and small businesses.

"In the last company I worked for, I helped them achieve ISO 9001 and Investors in People. Now, I've decided to go out on my own and to give something back."

Karen feels her recruitment agency will play a pivotal role by allowing hard-pressed companies to source staff from the Personnel Touch.

"Many people working within human resources just haven't got the time," she contends. "Even human resources managers haven't got the time to devote to taking on new staff. But supposedly, that's what a human resources department is there for.

"But I'm completely different. I don't charge very high rates and don't inundate companies with phone calls and candidates. I'm here to listen and to try to fulfil their needs."