I WOULD like to comment on three letters in The Citizen, January 30, about the park and ride in Walton-le-Dale.

Firstly, Mrs Iris Harvey's letter regarding costs. How many people before 9.30am carry more than two in a car? How many park for less than two hours?

I am also confused at the financial benefits gained by someone living within half-a-mile of the park and ride, then driving more than 25 miles in order to pay £1 for a hort bus journey to the centre of Southport.

Any pricing system with queues and delays, therefore, defeats the object of relieving traffic congestion.

Secondly, the letter from Ms J James is also confusing by quoting a journey from the South Rings roundabout to the Capitol Centre at 'peak time' when they also live within half-a-mile of the park and ride.

The Brownedge Road roundabout area, as suggested as an alternative site is mainly residential as well as being crossed by a busy railway system unlike the site chosen.

Ernest Rawcliffe, Oakland Glen, Walton-le-Dale.