REVISING can be a stressful time not only for the student but also for parents.

Watching your children go through a great deal of stress can be painful.

But if you are wondering what you can do to help them here are a few tips.

You can ask your child what subjects they want help with.

You can organise some non-study activities for them, encourage them with praise and rewards and make their environment distraction-free and revision friendly.

It may also be helpful to encourage your child to do a revision time table.

This is where dates are listed along with details of the subject they are revising and what results they would like to achieve and by when.

The time table can be ticked off as they go along.

Tips of things not to do include not to forcing them to revise in a way you think is best and putting any extra pressure on them as this is likely to have a detrimental effect.