With approximately 2 million demonstrators in London alone, over a million in Rome, 500,000 throughout Germany, and tens of thousands in over 600 cities dotted across the planet the belligerency of Bush and his 'Foreign Secretary' Tony Blair is being checked.

These events bury the myth that 'Muslim terrorists' are hell bent on unwontedly attacking and bombing westerners. With such a large gathering of people in major world cities, surely these would have been easy targets. It is crystal clear that all this talk of 'imminent terrorist attacks' that we have been hearing over the past weeks is just malicious and Islamophobic propaganda which is being used to curtail civil liberties and attempt to create an artificial war-fever.

I would also like to take this opportunity to advise our brethren in the Muslim World that it is not enough to vent their frustration with rhetoric, the time for direct action is NOW! If the millions that have demonstrated in Europe were transposed to Cairo, Damascus, Riyadh, Islamabad, Jakarta real change will materialise..

Abu Aziz

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