THE majority of residents in Hyndburn will pay an extra £67.43 a year in Council Tax after a 9.2 per cent rise.

That includes Hyndburn Council's own increase of 3.9 per cent, finalised at Full Council in Accrington Town Hall.

This means that Band A properties will pay £799.74, up from £732.31 last year and includes the borough council increase from £111.92 last year to £116.28; the county council charge of £625.08 and the police precept of £58.38.

More than 60 per cent of the houses in Hyndburn are band A.

The 3.9 per cent increase was criticised by the Conservative group leadership who had their amended budget, giving a zero per cent rise, defeated.

The revised 3.9 per cent is a reduction on the 4.9 initially set by Cabinet and takes account of a windfall of £224,000 for overpayment of business rates on two sports centres in the 1990's.

Coun Peter Britcliffe, opposition leader, said: "The money is not a windfall, it is £224,000 that the Council Tax payers have paid. If you went into a shop and had overpaid you would demand your money back."

Ian Ormerod, Cabinet Leader, said the money was better spent elsewhere.