I TOTALLY agree with Mrs L Altham regarding benefits (Letters, March 7).

Why does everyone over 60 get the cold weather payment even when they are still working?

Most men don't retire until they are 65. In many cases, their wives are also working so they have two wages coming in and, as they are out most of the day, they don't need to use as much heat anyway.

I'm also looking forward to my meagre pension rise even though it won't be the full amount because I had about four years off when my children were babies -- no credits in those days. When credits were introduced it should have applied to everyone -- I've paid my full dues the rest of the time.

Another quibble is the council tax. Over £80 a month is a lot out of a pension when you are just above the border line and don't qualify for hand-outs.

Name and address supplied.