PLANS to build Darwen's new health centre were approved in principle by councillors.

Blackburn, Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Primary Care Trust wants to build the health centre on football pitches behind Darwen Leisure Centre, in Police Street.

But the project has caused controversy and led to several public meetings because local people fear they may lose their outside sports pitches for good.

The planning and highways committee heard that discussions were continuing for an alternative location for the pitches. Concern has also been expressed about the hilly location of the centre, with claims that old and disabled people would struggle to reach it.

However, the committee was told that the planning application would still have to be considered by them again when detailed plans were drawn up. Councillors approved the outline application after hearing that the health centre was a suitable community use for the site.

Darwen councillor Dave Smith said: "This project will bring many benefits to the people of Darwen."