THE purpose of the school is to develop to the full each individual pupil's talents, abilities and self confidence within a caring, ordered and stimulating educational environment.

We intend our pupils to acquire skills attitudes and understanding which will enable them to develop into confident caring and concerned people. We believe all children should be treated as equals and encouraged through praise and self-confidence.

HISTORY LESSON: The original part of the school was opened by the Princess Royal in 1932 with an average of 50 pupils in each of six rooms. In 1951, two classrooms were added and used for infants. In 1969 a further two infant rooms were built. Recently two mobile resource rooms were acquired. There are 301 students on roll at the moment.

WHAT ABOUT THE PARENTS: We welcome the interest and concern shown by parents in the school and in the education of the children. Parents evenings are held twice a year and there is a term newsletter called the Pendle Post. The Association of Friends of Pendle School was formed in 1988 and it has proved to be a most successful and worthwhile innovation.

ABOUT THE PUPILS: The school places a great emphasis on the need for plenty of contact with the teacher or nursery assistant and other adults.

OUT AND ABOUT: The school offers several out of school activities at lunch time and after school. At present these include choir, recorder-groups, netball, rounders and cricket. We also participate in the annual Inter Schools Swimming Gala at Ribblesdale pool. Year six go on an annual residential PGL adventure holiday in Shropshire.

WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A £100,000 WINDFALL?: We would spend the 100,000 on three extra teachers plus resources to match to help make smaller classes throughout the school.