MORE kennel space will be provided when a popular animal sanctuary completes extension plans.

Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary, Edenfield, hopes to have the Waddington block rebuilt in time for winter.

The exterior will be made of reconstituted walls and a steel roof while the inner structure will be of modular design.

Alan Murray, Bleakholt chairman said: "As with the existing block, there will be twelve kennels.

"However. the new block will also have a small store room and rear access to all of the kennels. This will make the kennels far more practical to work with and better for our guests -- the dogs.

"As at present. these will still be our biggest kennels and suited to our long-stay and larger dogs.

"We expect that construction will cause some inconvenience to the staff and the public but please bear with us, as the end result will be what we all want for the dogs."