SUMMERSEAT Methodist Primary School made it big in the annual small schools' cross country championships on Saturday.

For the youngsters quite literally ran off with the top awards in the boys and girls team section. Individual children from the village school were also rewarded for coming top in their category.

A total of 40 children from Summerseat Methodist Primary, St Paul's CE in Ramsbottom, Emmanuel Holcombe CE Primary, Affetside Primary and St Mary's CE Primary in Hawkshaw, took part in the cross country challenge which took them through fields in Affetside Village.

The closure of both Affetside Primary and St Paul's CE Primary at the end of the summer term means this will be the last time the event -- which has been held on a rota basis at every school since 1984 --will involve all the five schools.

RESULTS - Girl: Lucy Yates from St Mary's CE Primary, Hawkshaw. Boy: Ross Kilroy from Summerseat Methodist Primary. Girls Team: Summerseat Methodist Primary School. Boys Team: Summerseat Methodist Primary School.