COUNCIL tenants are invited to dig in and take up a blooming good offer to help brighten up their estates.

Residents, community groups, schools and voluntary organisations can win prizes totalling £10,000 in a new amateur gardening competition.

Chief executive of Wigan and Leigh Housing, Peter Gee, said: "We are keen to encourage as many people as possible to have a go at improving gardens on our estates.

"Attractive, well maintained gardens make estates better places to live and we hope that people will spring into action to make a difference to their communities."

The contest, Borough in Bloom, is free with 250 cash prizes on offer in five categories, best overall garden, best communal garden, best balcony, container or hanging basket, most improved garden and the Wigan and Leigh Housing Recognition Award.

Winners in each category will collect prizes of up to £50 and go through to boroughwide finals in late summer with awards ranging up to £200.

The closing date is June 27 and entry forms can be obtained from any local area housing office or online at