DEAR MASSI, I'm sure you don't have many men writing to you but I wanted to know 'where have all the decent women gone?'

Many of my friends have got married from abroad so I decided to do a similar thing a few years ago. It just didn't work out. That's not to say my friends are not happy and have urged to get married from aborad again. But I don't feel it is the right thing for me. I am now 33 years old and would love to meet someone.

However, recent experiences have are making me think otherwise. I was never one for dating. I also feel a man and a woman shouldn't be intimate before they marry. I still hold these values close to my heart.

I met this one woman through a friend and the only thing she seemed interested in was money and how much I could provide for her and her family. Another woman seemed nice but then wanted me to move into her home with her family after marriage. A third woman said she loved me within three days of meeting me. A fourth got so angry when I mentioned 'traditional women stay at home'...she's never called me again. I have given up now and resigned to the fact the dating services and my family cannot introduce me to anyone normal.

Culture and modern times have no place for a Muslim brother like myself I'm afraid.

JL Manchester


Well it seems you have already made your mind up about the opposite sex.

I wouldn't give up so easily though and I think in our community too much is made of the fact where a person is from. It shouldn't really matter.

You seem quite sensitive and that's one quality that is attractive in a man. I would suggest that when you are introduced to a woman you do not automatically find a flaw in that person. Sometimes people can do that without knowing it.

Also remember time is not running out and finding the right person is not something that happens over night.

I'm sure there are ladies reading this who'd be more than willing to give you a chance.